How to grow Instagram Followers

After the pandemic in 2020, many of the businesses have turned their marketing strategy from traditional marketing to digital marketing. And this thing could have been seen from the long time that digital marketing was on the verge of getting the boom. Especially the Instagram. During the pandemic, people have searched how to grow Instagram followers organically more than anything and even you could see that many of the content creators and brands got crazy followers during the pandemic. And once the lockdown was over, the brands knew the power of Instagram .

There are multiple reasons to grow your Instagram, so do multiple ways. In this blog we will tell you step by step about growing your Instagram organically and fast.


1. Optimize your Instagram account

Before starting to implement any type of marketing strategy on instagram, one of the key steps is to optimize your instagram first.Consider your bio on instagram as the Homepage to your account. Bio is important because that’s how the audience on instagram is going to remember you and that’s your first impression. If it is not right or on point or if it is conveying any wrong message then the audience can not build the trust with you and your credibility will lose on its first impression itself. Your instagram Bio and the profile picture helps the audience in identifying you. The link in the bio is there to drive your audience to your website and give your audience the offerings you can make for them.

Also, the thing you have to remember while optimizing your Instagram is that you have to keep your username search friendly as much as possible, also it should not take you far away from your brand name. Don’t make it too big either too small stick to the basic which is focus on your brand name with close to the search friendly.

2. Keep a consistent content calendar

The worst thing brands do when they start Instagram for their business is posting irregularly without any calendar or strategy. Even if you gain a few followers with that in the beginning, make sure to don’t let them forget about you in the first place.

To counter this, make sure to create a posting schedule which you can keep up consistently. Consistency in Instagram doesn’t mean posting it everyday but posting in a particular pattern maybe it could be everyday, or every second day or every third day posting. But make sure to be consistent with your posting.

Instagram insight is a very useful tool in Instagram which tells you about the insights of your audience behavior. You can study from the Instagram insights, get to know which is the best time to post on that particular time and start posting without a second thought.


Sticking to a schedule will help you build a consistent experience for your followers and keep them in the know of your brand. But if you’re wondering how you’re going to remember to publish at these different times in the day, we’ve got you covered with Sprout’s scheduling and optimal times features–read on for more details.

3. Get partners and brand advocates to post your content

Meanwhile learning new tricks is a never ending process, you have to understand the worth of your audience. The bigger the fan following (organic), the more buyers and interested customers you will have on your door.

The best way to gain followers and their attention is by being present in front of them. It's almost difficult the majority of the time to be present in front of everyone but this little tricky we are talking about is the key to get more organic traffic.

Another way is to work with the bigger audience. You can collaborate with different brands on their page and get their attention on social media. Collaborating with them not only gives the newer audience but also gives the greater credibility with your newer audience as well as your old audience.

4. Avoid fake Instagram followers

There’s a huge difference between an Instagram account having fake and legitimate followers. It might seem tempting to simply purchase Instagram followers, but the backlash outweighs the perks of organic follower growth.

There’s a huge gap between accounts with organic growth and fake followers. It might look tempting in the first place with the huge no. on the follower list, but it becomes a shameful act when your post engagement doesn't justify your follower number.

Fake followers has its flaws as well :

If a new follower visits your Instagram with one of the great content likes of yours, but when he sees less engagement with so many followers he unconsciously thinks that you’re fake and have gained all these followers with money.

It is easier to buy followers and show it to the world. But when you are running Instagram for business the only goal you have with Instagram is greater ROI, and when you buy fake followers you guaranteedly don't get even the ROI as they are nothing but the number of bots who’ll never see you.

5. Post content followers want

This phrase of “Post content followers want '' is easier said than done. It's difficult to understand your audience and what type of content they want from you. But if you can crack that formula then there's a huge place for you in the audience 's heart. It could all happen with the help of testing your content differently.

As you’ve seen everyday, Instagram is growing. Taking these tips deeply and using them smartly will only help you get along for the long run.

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