What are Backlinks in SEO?

Backlink in Seo is simply nothing but a link from another website, it is also known as inbound links or incoming links. Google and other specific search engines consider backlinks as one of the sources to vote for page ranking. High-quality backlinks tend to have a better position in an organic page ranking and better visibility in the search engine (results)

How do the backlinks work and how important the backlinks are?

Backlinks play an important role in search engine algorithms, search engine optimization, and overall strategy which will help in your website's organic growth.

The easiest way to have backlinks on the website would be by having a conversation on the blog or the article.  

For example, Tejaswini is a blogger and writes very interesting and famous blogs for her respective clients. Similarly, Vishal is also an amazing blogger but not on the same level as tejaswini with a lesser audience on his blogs. Now Vishal here often adds backlinks to tejaswinis's blogs which leads traffic to her blogs. But one fine day tejaswini added the link to Vishal's blog which gave him huge traffic and organic traffic which intimately leads to the ranking.

It's a win-win situation for everyone, one blogger gets the traffic and another blogger gets more content and trust of a better recommendation.

So until now, you may have understood how backlinks work but you should also know the value of backlinks.

When Google started, the foundation of the search engine algorithm was based on backlinks. It was known as PageRank. So you can say backlinks are one of the core things of the google algorithm. Even though Google has made hundreds and thousands of changes google themselves admitted backlinks remain one of three ranking factors for search engines.

Backlinks are nothing but the quality of votes given by other websites to your website. Each vote gets filtered with quality, and usability and then helps in increasing the credibility of your website. More the backlinks from a trusted website more the chances of ranking your page and more chances of getting organic traffic

So this is how backlinks work and this is how backlinks are important.

Types of Backlinks 

There are two types of backlinks let's understand both the backlinks one by one

1. Non-Follow Link

A no-follow link tells the engine to ignore the link as it is not giving any valuable, credible value to another website. These types of links do not help get organic searches or improve your search engine optimization.

2. Do-Follow Link

This is a type of backlink that get the most organic traffic to your website. Do follow link is a type of link everybody wants and uses because these types of links get featured on other articles and blogs which somehow brings good traffic to your website and also helps you in Search engine optimization.

But as the do-follow link is highly helpful it can be bad in one sense as well. These types of links can be toxic as they can come through a suspicious site or be gained by breaking the protocols of search engines. If google finds this anywhere in their engine, they can penalize your website or can rank you lower even after all your hard work. Just remember quality matters rather than quantity, 10 backlinks groom an authorized website is always better the 1000 backlinks from unauthorized websites.

Types of backlinks that are valuable. 

Not all backlinks are weighted the same, remember if you want organic growth you will have to get backlinks from trusted websites. This will help you in search engines, so focus on the quality of backlinks.

1. Backlinks from authorized websites.

Tell us a thing, would you like to get a backlink from ESPN or any random guy who talks about sports. You got out point, search engines think in the same manner. If you're getting backlinks from authorized websites your backlinks will get a lot of importance, as the authorized websites have one the reliable sources and a lot of traffic. You can even see the difference in the type of traffic you get. this concept is known as " Domain authority". The concept is simple, the more authority a website has the more authority and value it can add to your website as well.

2. Targeted keywords in the links.

In a recent study, it is found that the correlation between keyword-rich anchor text is higher for higher ranking for that word.

Anchor text is the visible text part of a link. in simple words, you will want your anchor text to target your keywords.

3. Don't go out of your topic.

When one website links to another website, Google wants that both websites are related to each other. And this makes sense if you think a little because Google wants its audience to get as many reliable sources as possible. This creates trust and credibility for both website and this also helps in getting organic growth and search engine.

For the perfect SEO strategy for your, business Teztecch is the best SEO company in Nagpur that has a proven and result-oriented SEO strategy that will definitely gonna work for your business that will help to get on top of the Google search result.

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